On Saturday, December 7th, the Malvern Business & Professional Association held their annual Christmas celebration — ‘Christmas on King‘ — from Noon until 6:30 PM.
The weather gods were smiling and graced us with a clear, albeit cold day. Despite the winter temps, the crowds were substantial around the gazebo in Burke Park, which housed the
Mistletoe Market featuring various vendors and artisans displaying their wares. The Kids were in their element with face painting, writing letters to Santa, and blowing off steam in the Bouncy House, to name a few activities.
The Christmas Cheer Fest Brew Lounge was hosted by Malvern’s own craft beer specialists, Locust Lane Brewery, and was an oasis for all to warm the cockles and lift a pint or two…while awaiting the arrival of the ‘Man in Red’! Couple the craft beer with food porn provided by Dos Gringos Mexican Kitchen and Nick’s Roast Beef, and you were good to go.
Santa Claus was spotted with wide-eyed wonderment throughout the day and made his official parade appearance leading to Burke Park for the lighting of the Christmas Tree. His celebrity helper was Jenn Fredrick from Fox 29 – can’t think of a better Elf!
The music program at the Gazebo in Burke Park was provided perfect-pitch by Malvern Prep and Academy of Notre Dame de Namur and they were fantastic. Yes they did the traditional Christmas songs to get you in the mood, but when they broke into “Holiday Road” from National Lampoon’s Vacation, they nailed it and the crowd loved it!! Who knew!? – Kudos to their musical director.
We were especially happy to see the crowds enjoying the #shopsmall experience that’s a King Street specialty. Most of the wonderful retail stores and boutiques were open until 8PM. All looking festive, warm and welcoming, offering everything from sparkling jewelry, cozy fashions, unique home decor,… to ‘magic’ carpets! Happy shoppers filtered in and out…checking their lists…and checking them twice.
Below is a sample of the some of the fabulous shops on King Street in Malvern and we hope you’ll show some local love and shop small this Holiday Season…and all year long!
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