July 27, 2024
Paoli Battlefield Heritage Day

Exploring Local History on Heritage Day

It’s no secret that we at MainLineBiz.com admire the historians of the Paoli Battlefield Preservation Fund, and do all that we can to support their efforts of Keeping Local History alive! Between their Lecture Series, Battlefield Tours, and Heritage Day events, they do a phenomenal job of educating those with a yearning for learning about the American Revolution.  The icing on the Battlefield cake is their Paranormal Tour, held twice a year – it is to die for…pun intended!

On September 21st, PBPF will be hosting their 7th Annual Paoli Battlefield Heritage Day from 11 AM to 4 PM.  If you’re not sure of the historic significance of this 44 acre site, we’ll give you a recap.

“Remember Paoli!” became the rallying cry of American Revolutionary War Soldiers after the Battle of Paoli, which was fought right here in the Borough of Malvern in 1777. Some also know this skirmish as the Paoli ‘Massacre, aptly named due to the brutal nature of the night time raid, in which British forces sent sabre-wielding dragoons, Light Infantry and Scottish Highlanders screaming into ‘Our’ encampment, that is now known as Paoli Battlefield. On that fateful night, 53 Patriot soldiers were killed, 52 are buried at the grave site marked with a granite obelisk, while 1 lone soldier remains buried somewhere on the battlefield. That monument that graces the grave site is the second oldest war memorial in the USA and the oldest in Pennsylvania.

To honor these brave Patriots and all Veterans, from the French and Indian War through today’s conflicts, re-enactors will be on hand, in full regalia ready to take your questions about the period they represent. And the kids will have a blast with all the crafts, games, face painting and musket drills. Add to that, good food and live music and it’s a fantastic way to spend a Saturday. The day will close out with a moving tribute to Veterans at the mass grave site. Definitely a great Family Day!  Admission is by donation, so check the website for more details and directions. 

If you see our Phantom Video Scouts…give us your best smile and say… ‘Remember Paoli’!!!


Photo courtesy of Kate McNally

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