September 18, 2024
PBPF Revolutionary Lecture Series

A Revolutionary Lecture Series

Here’s the perfect opportunity to join forces with fellow History buffs, throw back a few tankards, sup on period cuisine at a historic tavern, while talking a bit of treason and Revolution ….American Revolution that is!


Paoli Battlefield Preservation Fund Keeps Our History Alive!

PBPF lecture seriesOur 9th season!  Join us on the Second Monday of each month (September through June) (excluding December) from 6 to 8 PM for A Revolutionary Lecture Series, a dinner and discussion at the General Warren Inne. Dine on specially prepared 18th century cuisine at the tavern which played such a pivotal role at the Battle of Paoli. We also hold a special outdoor musical presentation the last Tuesday in July that you won’t want to miss either!

Your admission also includes a raffle ticket for a chance to win a night’s stay at the General Warren Inne.

For details and ticket info, visit:
Source: A Revolutionary Lecture Series – Paoli Battlefield Preservation Fund Inc.

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